项目时间:2020-04-03 00:58
In order to celebrate the biggest brand upgrade since its establishment, TMALL held the "TMALL Ideal Life Carnival" in Hangzhou from June 17th to 18th. Wonderlabs was very honored to be part of the great event, by bringing 7 digital experiences at the event to life; consumers could experience the future trend of TMALL's ideal life through innovative and playful ways. 为了庆祝成立以来最大规模的一次品牌升级,天猫于6月17日到18日在杭州举办了天猫理想生活狂欢节。Wonderlabs非常荣幸受邀为此次盛会制作了7个互动装置,消费者可以通过创新好玩的方式来体验天猫理想生活未来趋势。 Upon entering the event space, the Hologram and Projection Mapping immediately capture consumers’ eyes. In Collaboration with Pixomondo, we faced the challenge of how to tell the story of TMALL’s ideal life in 1.5 minutes. At the end, we made an exposition of ideal life of TMALL from the aspects of nature, future life, sports and fashion. The Hologram showed the related content by following the chapter of projection content. 进入场馆后,观众即刻被全息投影互动体验吸引,Wonderlabs在内容制作过程中面临如何在短暂的时间内讲述天猫理想生活理念,最终我们从健康、智能、运动、时尚方面对天猫理想生活做出阐述,Hologram内容也会随着投影内容做出相应内容展示。 The Main Stage LED Floor was on the opposite of the Hologram and Projection Mapping, the installation turned into a wonderland for kids with its content of big colorful planets in the universe. 主舞台互动地板位于全息投影互动装置的对面,这个以宇宙星球大爆炸为设计内容的体验,成为了孩子们提供了嬉戏玩耍的欢乐之地。 Going further into the event space, consumers arrived at the Sports Pavilion, where Wonderlabs have the Rowing Machine and Treadmill Installation. The Rowing Machines were floating on the ocean, which is the content on the led floor. While the consumers row harder, the waves surrounding them in the rowing machine were also surging. The treadmill was a sport experience that brought the runner through reality. As the runner accelerated, the visual effects in front of the LED screen became more dramatic. 随着探索的步伐,观众会来到运动馆,这里有互动划船机和互动跑步机。互动划船机坐落于LED地板海洋上,每当观众用力划船时会发现划船机周边的海浪也随之汹涌。互动跑步机是一个可以给跑者带来穿越现实的运动体验,随着跑者的步伐加快,前方LED屏幕中的视觉效果也变的更加震撼。 In the pavilion of future life, Wonderlabs customized and specially modified the intelligent washing machine for this event. Whenever the consumer came close, the intelligent washing machine induced the users and began performing. 在智能生活馆,我们为此次活动特别改装定制的智能洗衣机,每当观众靠近时,智能洗衣机就会感应到用户,开始表演。 At the Fashion Pavilion, Wonderlabs designed and made a touch screen experience inspired by TMALL logo. By touching one of the 300 products, that formed the TMALL logo, consumers could scan the QR code and enter the purchase page directly. 在风尚馆,我们以天猫logo为启发,设计制作了一个触摸屏体验。观众触摸天猫logo,来自不同品牌的300件商品就会展现,点击每一件商品扫描二维码就可以进入购买页面。 The two day event “TMALL Ideal Life Carnival” is over, but the big plan of TMALL’s changing shopping trends has just begun. Excited to wait and see what’s more to come. 为期两天的天猫理想生活狂欢节已经结束,但天猫改变未来购物趋势的步伐才刚刚开始,让我们拭目以待。
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